October 19, 2008

Furious Rage~! (With Bold Letters.)

Posted in Hello!Project at 6:12 pm by aiwish472

It’s official: Hello! Project is going to hell. They just lost nearly ALL of their talent.

What’s next, Morning Musume?

I mean, C-ute music? No thanks.

Just as I was wondering how much longer it was going to be before Melon Kinenbi and Kei left…

Oh Kei, you and your beautiful voice…

Even Abe Natsumi. NACCHI! And Yuko! The Queen Bitch of H!P! All of my favorites are GONE.

Here’s looking at you, Yossie…

Hold on…does this include Mako? But Mako just returned!

They had better get careers elsewhere, or else…

*furious rage*

They just don’t have it anymore. Pretty much everything H!P releases is boring or generic-sounding.

I think Tsunku is out of ideas.

Maybe I’ll buy Yuko’s “MEGA BEST.”

Speaking of purchases, perhaps there will be a big sale of all the Elder Club’s stuff on Yesasia. [/sarcasm]

This calls for a little picspam of some Elder Club members. To cheer you up.

I would make it longer, but it’s time for me to eat dinner. Ja ne.


Okay, so I was really angry and hearbroken earlier, but the more I think about it, the less I care. I was losing interest in H!P anyways, and taking my music tastes elsewhere, most notably, to the world of non-Hello Project!Idols, as well as J-Pop and K-Pop that doesn’t include H!P.

And there’s nothing we can do about it.


I’m not happy about the firing super-graduation by any means, but seriously, if I must be upset about something, shouldn’t it be about an issue that actually matters to the world? :/

I say, be more productive than this!


  1. Kar said,


  2. unico said,

    “Pretty much everything H!P releases is boring or generic-sounding.”

    LOL isn’t that how it always was with Idol groups?
    mainstream was the focus. image, cute, costumes, love songs etcetera

  3. Lizzie said,

    “I’m not happy about the firing super-graduation by any means, but seriously, if I must be upset about something, shouldn’t it be about an issue that actually matters to the world? :/”

    It’s ok to be frustrated about other things. Like if your boyfriend broke up with you or if you are getting a divorce, it doesn’t matter to the “world” … but it’s alright to be frustrated or upset.

    It makes me sad too. I wish this wouldn’t happen to H!P.

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